Because in France, one in eight women is at risk of developing breast cancer, it is important to raise awareness among the entire population about screening, which can save thousands of lives. It is to promote this awareness that the Pink October campaign returns for the 25th year in France in 2019! Organized by the association Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en! , this campaign against breast cancer, encourages all municipalities, institutions and individuals to inform, engage in dialogue and mobilize.

Fillandises, as a brand of lingerie for women whose values ​​refer to a peaceful femininity, can only feel close and supportive of women with breast cancer. This is why, in October 2019, Fillandises stands on the side of all women and implements concrete actions to encourage and promote research against breast cancer:

* A pink showcase; a symbol

Our window turns pink in this very special month… If this seems insignificant, the message is there: remember that at this moment, something is happening and that we can never forget women with breast cancer!

* A communication on the theme of Pink October on our social networks

Fillandises has chosen to communicate throughout the month on its social networks around this scourge to raise awareness among Internet users. For this, the pink ribbon, symbol of this fight against cancer, will be placed on most of our photos. Also, a large part of our posts will be related to Pink October: testimonials, verbatim, information on breast cancer, news on active associations...

* A concrete commitment

For any purchase made by you, Fillandises undertakes to donate 1 euro to the fight against breast cancer ! You treat yourself at Fillandises = you make a donation!

* A partnership with Pink Bra Bazaar

Pink Bra Bazaar is an association that raises awareness of breast cancer and does prevention through fun workshops. In October 2019, Fillandises participates in the Pink Bra Box, the annual October campaign to collect bras for the Pink Bra Ateliers. The concept: we collect bras that you no longer use… These will be used the rest of the year during breast cancer awareness workshops, such as personalization workshops! All info here

Today, breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women between the ages of 35 and 65. The breast cancer figures are chilling and reflect a reality that cannot be ignored.

Want to get involved with us? Come and drop off your old bras in store at 23 rue Sainte Apolline!

Breast cancer, all concerned, all committed.

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