There are the skeptics and there are us!

Some scientists and politicians say that it is not too late to act and indeed, at Fillandises, we are convinced that, each at our level, we can change things a little. This is why, like many of you, we are committed to more responsible and more ecological approaches on a daily basis.

Because we are often asked the question and because it is completely normal to give you all the information you need about our products, we have decided to talk to you today about Stanley/Stella ; our textile supplier!

Products that respect people and the environment are the very essence of Stanley/Stella , founded in 2012 by Jean Chabert. By imagining this brand, the latter wishes to offer more responsible textiles, that you will be proud to wear and that we are especially proud to sell you in store and on our eshop.

So what does this mean concretely?


– 100% of the cotton used by Stanley/Stella is organic cotton: organic, we love that at Fillandises. The absence of chemicals is what guarantees our homewear to be very soft to wear!

– Better water management: the organic cotton used for Stanley/Stella clothing is a natural, GMO-free fiber that requires much less water than conventional cotton. Using less water means preserving the planet and contributing to a better distribution of resources!


– 100% transparency on manufacturing: a major part of Stanley/Stella products are made in Bangladesh, whose 5 factories are all audited by the Fair Wear Foundation (fights to improve working conditions in the clothing industry)! Manufacturing in Asia is not a problem, if it is done well!

– PETA certification: being PETA certified means that Stanley/Stella does not test on animals, does not harm any animal for its production and undertakes never to do so. The materials that make up the clothes are 100% vegan!

You will have understood it, at Fillandises we have nothing to hide! We are very proud to work with Stanley/Stella to offer you pieces that initiate change in the textile industry, made in a more humane, more ethical and more ecological way.

Respect for human & animal dignity and protection of the environment are therefore not incompatible with femininity and refinement since that is all that makes up our pretty Fillandises products... To be shopped at 23 rue Sainte Apolline in Paris or on our e-commerce site.

To find out about another commitment in which Fillandises is involved, it's here !

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